The Exum History Project would not be what it is without the generous and enthusiastic financial support of the wonderful people listed here:
Donated in Nov/Dec 2021, to support the digitization of interview tapes in the Grand Teton National Park archives:
- Bethanie Hart
- Christian Santelices
- Jane Gallie
- Jeff Foott
- Jim Williams
- John Faraci
- John Townsend
- Lewis Hicks
- Louise Geil
- Mike Friedman
- Rod Newcomb
- Tom Bennett
Donated to Save the Paul K. Petzoldt Historic 1920s Teton Photos
More names to come as they are reported from History Jackson Hole, or let me know you donated!
- Mark Newcomb
- Christian Santelices
- Kimberly Geil
- Donna Weems
- Robert & Marie Irvine
- Thomas Turiano & Shannon Dale
- Tracy Faber
- Bruce Hodgkins
- Keith Cole
- Jack & Pat Tackle
- Faraci Family Fund
- Paul Horton
Donated in Nov/Dec 2021, to support the digitization of interview tapes in the Grand Teton National Park archives:
- Bethanie Hart
- Christian Santelices
- Jane Gallie
- Jeff Foott
- Jim Williams
- John Faraci
- John Townsend
- Lewis Hicks
- Louise Geil
- Mike Friedman
- Rod Newcomb
- Tom Bennett
Donated in Jan/Feb 2022, to support the digitization of the interview tapes and the scanning of old Exum files:
- Annie Coleman
- Bill Briggs
- Bob McLaurin
- Bruce Hodgkins
- Christian Santelices*
- Cyndi Hargis
- Cynthia Anderson
- Dick Dorworth
- Ian Havlick
- Jack Tackle
- Jane Gallie*
- Jim LaTorre
- Kim Springer
- Louise Geil*
- Martha Feagin
- Michelle Leber
- Mike Friedman*
- Muffy Moore
- Peter Lev
- Philip Kollas
- Troy Duckels
* = Second donation!
Donated between Mar 2022-Apr 2023, to support the scanning and data entry of the old Exum files:
- Bob Irvine
- Cornell DeWitt
- Cynthia Anderson*
- Dave Dornan
- Deborah Bradford
- Ed Exum
- Forrest McCarthy
- Jack Turner
- Jes Meiris
- Marci Satterfield (in memory of Chuck Satterfield, Exum guide in the 1970s)
- Mark Newcomb
- Mary Schmidt
- Suna Kneisley* (computer and scanner donations)
- Susan (& Al) Read* (twice, the 2nd time in honor of Baloo’s 5th birthday)
- Tim Brown
- Will Bassett
* = Second donation!
Donated between May 2023-June 2024 to support scanning, data entry, digitization and other professional services:
- Bob Irvine
- Bob McLaurin
- Dale Hahn
- Jack Tackle
- Jeannette LaFors
- Jeff Foott
- John Faraci*
- Smith Maddrey
- Susan Read** (in memory of Matt Primomo, Exum guide from 2015-2021)
- Tracy Faber
- Trevor Deighton
- Wes Bunch
* = Second donation! ** = 3rd donation!
Donated since July 2024 to support continued scanning, data entry and digitization along with professional services to write, research and edit book proposal:
- Clifford Crutcher
- Dean Moore
- Holly Mullen
- Matt and Sarah Park
- Rod & Annie Newcomb*
* = Second donation!
If you’d like to see your name on this page, the GoFundMe campaign is ongoing: gofundme.com/f/support-the-exum-history-project
Checks, etc are also accepted – contact Dr. Geil for details.
Donations are not tax-deductible, but are hugely appreciated!